What is so different you ask? Well I'll tell you....at Easter, all the kids (under the age of about 20) get a huge over packaged name brand chocolate egg filled with yet more chocolate from possibly every relative they know. (I think one year I managed to collect over 10!) Which have to sit on the shelf until Easter Sunday, when (after sunday roast dinner of course!) we gorge ourselves on said eggs until we cannot move. There are no Easter egg hunts with small plastic eggs hidden in the garden, in fact I don't think I had heard of hunting for eggs until I moved to Texas. But I do have to admit that I find the egg egg hunt more endearing and a whole lot healthier! (Something that I will continue, even if I move back to the homeland.)

For the adults, the shops are filled with hot cross buns and everyone around you is shaking off the winter doldrums (even though the weather is still the same from January). Which go nicely with a cup of tea...have I mentioned the tea yet? Oh how I miss those hot cross buns.....toasted if you please and covered in butter....hhhhmmmmmm.
But the best best best thing of all is........almost everyone has Good Friday and Easter Monday off from work! Yep, practically the whole country has a glorious four day weekender every year! Now if you add in the fact that the following weekend is ALSO a four day weekend because of the upcoming royal wedding. You get a super duper couple of weeks??!!! Ingenious...no? It is the perfect time to pack up the kids and the suitcases and have a nice holiday somewhere in Europe......no wait....hold the phone.....that's is exactly what the entire country does end up doing....ah well, we can always stay at home and have a barbeque...or some tea.
For more seasonal ideas check out my blog post for Halloween Craft Ideas
Er hello??? Makes me homesick!